When you’re a new migrant in Australia, there are a lot of new things to experience and become accustomed to. From new cities and where to drive, to supermarket shopping and where to buy the most mundane things that you…
When you’re a new migrant in Australia, there are a lot of new things to experience and become accustomed to. From new cities and where to drive, to supermarket shopping and where to buy the most mundane things that you…
What would you say if I told you there was a way to completely furnish your new home in Australia for free? You’d probably think I was mad, but there is actually a way – it’s called bulk waste collection!…
Choosing where to live in Australia after your visa has been granted is a very exciting part of the migration process. The internet and Google Maps make it a lot easier to do than a decade ago, but it’s still…
Emigration is hard. Flipping hard. It’s not something that anyone can really say they enjoy 100%. With all the excitement of a new country can also come the heartbreaking pain of leaving another behind. All the new, shiny things are…
When you move to Australia, you’ll probably need to convert your overseas driver license for an Australian one. Each state has its own rules when it comes to the process for converting your overseas driver license for an Australian one,…
When it comes to setting up your new home in Australia, you’re going to have to buy some stuff. If you’ve shipped everything under the sun, you’ll still have to wait for it to arrive and will be without some…
When you move to Australia, the last thing you might be thinking about is updating your will. It took us a few years before we even thought about it – because of course, we’re more preoccupied with finding jobs, making…
One of the hardest things to get used to when you arrive is how different the shops are. I always see people asking what’s the Australian equivalent of South African shops like Game, Dischem, and Edgars. So I thought it…
One of the hardest aspects of migrating to Australia is finding a job. Your resume (aka CV) is often the first thing that recruiters and employers will know about you and that’s why it’s crucial to make sure your resume…
Emigration is not for sissies. How many times has someone said that to you? One of the biggest challenges you’re likely to face is the expat blues. Feeling sad and depressed is par for the course. You are not crazy.…